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The 6 Best Vanguard Funds to Own in a Bear Market

If you’ve built a solid portfolio of funds, the last thing you want to do is tear it apart and build a new one simply because the stock market is doing one of its periodic swan dives.

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t tinker around the edges in a market that acts like it wants to go down. You might cut, say, 5% of your stock allocation and put the proceeds into a low-risk bond fund.

If you think your investments need more rearranging, you might take your most volatile fund and replace it with a lower-risk offering.

Where to look for a replacement? Vanguard funds include a fistful of first-rate defensive offerings that, while they’ll still likely lose money in a bear market, they should still hold up better than most other funds.

Here are the six best Vanguard funds to own in a bear market..

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