Investors: Don’t Sweat Donald Trump’s Tweets
The president's Twitter activity can certainly cause short-term market swings, but other factors are far more influential

Don't Give Up on This Wild Bull Market
Sticking with stocks has always been a struggle. Nine years into a bull market, it still is.

Target-Date Retirement Funds: 5 Top Fund Families
Investors are flocking to target-date retirement funds. These funds, which often are the default option in workplace 401(k) plans, received

5 Best Emerging-Markets Funds for the Long Haul
Emerging-markets funds are on fire. Over the past 12 months through April 18, the MSCI Emerging Markets index has returned 27.1%. That’s 7.6

The 5 Best Fidelity Stock Funds to Buy for the Long-Term
Some investors have given up on actively managed stock funds in recent years, instead turning to dirt-cheap index funds that passively track

7 Reasons Bitcoin Is Doomed
A crash in this and other cryptocurrencies is inevitable.

Did Volatility ETFs Drive the Market’s Selloff?
These funds have no place among everyday investors

Volatile Stock Market’s 10% Correction Stokes Investor Fears
But market corrections are surprisingly common and surprisingly short-lived. Bear markets are another story. Here’s what you need to know.

The Only Two Vanguard Index Funds You Need for Retirement
Investing doesn't need to be complicated or expensive. Build a dirt-cheap portfolio that can last a lifetime with just one stock ETF and

The Bull Market Isn't in Danger of Ending Yet
But the relentless stock melt-up can't last forever. Watch for these warning signs that the rally is coming to an end.